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Page 14
“That was last year,” Hayley said. “By the way, we never did get that money for the breast cancer walk. But that’s not why we’re here.”
Starla made an annoyed face as she one-handedly clipped her tangle of long hair into a messy bun.
Another skill.
“You want to come inside?”
Taylor pushed past the cheerleader. “It’s super cold out here. Thanks for inviting us in.”
The Larsen house was as it always was—a total mess. Mindee wasn’t a hoarder, per se. But she was an incorrigible collector of the kinds of things that Valerie Ryan liked to call “dust catchers.” On the table next to the front door was Mindee’s collection of Scottie dogs. She seemed to embrace the concept that if one was good, fifty was awesome. Her kitchen was done up with more chickens and roosters than a KFC. The living room was less cluttered, save for the sofa table and its clutch of glass egg-shaped paperweights.
Teagan was playing a video game on the computer in the family room. He brightened a little when he saw Hayley and Taylor.
“Double trouble,” he said, trying to be cool.
“Hey, that’s clever. Let me write that down,” Hayley said, pretending to smile. “You are so funny.”
Taylor smiled, trying to defuse her sister’s annoyance at the kid she’d babysat a couple of times—and never wanted to again. “Actually, we’re twice as nice,” she said.
“Whatever,” Teagan said, as he went back to bombing New York City with a scary kind of enthusiasm.
“What do you two want?” Starla asked.
“I’d like a diet soda, please,” Hayley said.
“Water for me,” Taylor added.
Starla made a face. “Okay, but I didn’t mean that. Why are you here? Not that it’s not nice to see you, but we really don’t hang out anymore. Not since I made cheer.”
You have to throw that out as if it were winning the Pulitzer, Hayley thought.
“We’re here about Katelyn,” Hayley said. “Can we talk in your room?”
Starla eyed her warily. “I guess, but do you still want the drinks?”
“No,” Taylor said. “We’re good.”
They followed Starla upstairs. It had been a couple of years since they’d been in Starla’s inner sanctum. The last time they’d been there, she had posters of pop stars and hippy-dippy beaded curtains she bought at Spencer’s back in seventh grade.
This time it was completely different. Taylor almost gasped when Starla swung open the door.
The walls looked like mirrors. Everywhere they turned were pictures of … Starla. She was posing in her Buccaneers’ uniform (with and without pom-poms) and in some ridiculous evening-wear attire that reminded Hayley of getups she’d seen in kids’ pageants on TV. There were even some images of Starla practicing her cheer routine in the backyard.
“Motivation,” Starla explained, picking up on the girls’ obvious stares. “I read in a magazine that if you surround yourself with the best that you are, you’ll get even better. I have a lot more to work with, but you two should give it a try.”
You’re a real piece of work, Taylor thought, but thankfully she managed to hold her tongue. She and her sister were there for a reason—and an important one at that.
Hayley studied the photo of Starla in the backyard. In the background, off to the side, was Katelyn, standing with slumped shoulders and a sad look on her face.
The reason they were there.
“We wanted to talk about Katelyn,” Hayley said. “Do you think she actually killed herself?”
“I don’t know. I guess she had a lot to live for,” Starla said halfheartedly, as though she was not sure if that was true. She planted herself on a big pink beanbag, the only item that either visitor remembered. Beth Lee had once hurled all over it during a sleepover when Mindee served salmon cakes (“made up of two cans of salmon—the good kind”) and Tater Tots. The memory was disgusting, but it still made Taylor smile. Just the idea of Beth retching over a beanbag was awesome enough, but the fact that it was Starla Larsen’s made it absolutely sweet.
“I heard Hedda went missing. Did she come home yet?”
“No,” Taylor said. “Have you seen her?”
Starla shook her head. “Oh, no! What kind of a friend would I be if I didn’t call you the very second I saw her?”
You would be a rotten friend, thought Hayley.
A friend like Starla Larsen, thought Taylor.
Like most bedrooms in the historic district, Starla’s room was small and there weren’t many places to sit. Hayley slid to the floor, resting her back against Starla’s white wrought-iron daybed. It had a lemon-and-cherry-print duvet and enough ruffled pillows that it seemed it would take an hour to scoot them aside to make space to sleep at night. Taylor swiveled the white and black plastic IKEA desk chair around to face the other two.
“Katie was pretty messed up,” Starla said.
Hayley tried to get comfortable by shifting her weight. The hardwood floor was, well, hard.
“Messed up enough to kill herself?” Taylor asked.
“Teen suicide is rampant in this country,” Starla said, readjusting her messy bun. “I did a paper on it.”
Hayley gave up on being comfortable. “Katelyn was your best friend.”
Starla shook her head. She did so slowly and without making eye contact.
“Correction,” she said. “And I know this will sound harsh, and harsh is not at all what I’m about, but she was most definitely not my best friend. I might have been her best friend, but not the other way around.”
“All right,” Taylor said. “But you knew her better than anyone. You would have noticed it if she was spiraling downward, thinking of killing herself. Right?”
Starla punched at the beanbag to spread its flattened Styrofoam beads. “Look, I’ve been busy. I feel horrible about what happened to Katie. But if you’re looking for me to give you some insight—and I don’t even know why you’d care—I can’t do that.”
“What about last fall? Can you tell us about that?” Hayley asked. “What happened?”
Starla refused to meet Hayley’s gaze. “I don’t know what you mean.”
Taylor picked up the beat in the conversation. “Something happened. Her mother was really mad about it.”
“Her mother was always pissed off at something,” Starla said. Her tone was dismissive and mean.
“Right,” Taylor said. “But what happened, Starla?”
Starla appeared to think for a moment. It was hard to tell sometimes—not because she wasn’t smart; she was. She was just very, very cagey.
“I don’t know,” she said, hesitating a little. It was clear the Ryan twins weren’t going to leave her alone without some kind of revelation.
“Tell us, Starla. Katie would want us to know,” Taylor said, nearly wincing at her own words. Who knew what anyone would want, especially a dead girl?
Well, maybe she and her sister could.
“It might have to do with stealing that money from the till at the Timberline,” Starla said, getting up from the giant pink beanbag.
“What money? What are you talking about?” Hayley asked.
“She took some cash out of the register so she could get away.”
Taylor leaned closer. “Run away?”
“Not really,” Starla said. “She took the money and caught the Bainbridge ferry to Seattle to see her boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend?” Taylor asked.
Starla looked around, refusing to meet either girl’s piercing gaze. “Some online guy,” she said. “I don’t know any more about it.”
Again, Taylor pushed. “She never told you his name?”
Starla got up and started walking toward her bedroom door, her very clear signal that the conversation was over.
“Cullen Anthony, I think,” she said. “But, I don’t even know if the dude is real or not. Katelyn had gotten weirder.”
“How weird? What do you mean?” Hayley asked.
p; “She was so, I don’t know … it seems embarrassing to admit it, but she seemed so jealous of me.”
Like that was some kind of admission she didn’t want to make. Starla reveled in the jealousy that swirled around her. She didn’t always live in What-About-Me-City, but she’d done a good job finding a spot on the town’s main drag.
Taylor picked up on the meat of what Starla had said. “Weirder, how?”
“I don’t even think the boyfriend she wanted to meet was real.”
“No?” Hayley asked, interested in that repeated disclosure.
Starla continued talking as she walked down the hallway, down the stairs. Teagan was hovering by the entrance to the kitchen.
“It is so sad,” she said. “But I think Katie just kind of lost it after she didn’t make cheer again this year. I wanted her to … I did everything I could. And when she didn’t make it, I had to distance myself from her a little—for obvious reasons.”
Obvious reasons? Like the fact that if you were a bigger biatch you’d have to sleep in a kennel at night? That kind of obvious reason? thought Hayley.
Before Starla opened the front door to shove the twins back out into the cold air, Hayley reached into her pocket and pulled out the WATCHING YOU note.
“I don’t think she made up her boyfriend,” she said.
Starla took the note and warily eyed Hayley, then Taylor.
“What’s this?” she said, taking the message.
“What do you think it is?” Taylor said, in a voice unable to mask her anger. “Your best friend—or rather, the girl who considered you her best friend—had someone in her life.”
Starla looked up from the paper and twisted the doorknob.
“I don’t know anything about this,” she said as the winter air blasted inside. “I’m sorry that we have to cut our visit so short. I have some chores to do before Mom and Jake come home.”
Taylor scoffed but said nothing. Chores? When did Starla go all Little House? Or when did she do anything but worship her face in the mirror?
AFTER DINNER, TAYLOR PUT UP a second LOST DOG posting on Craigslist, this time with a photo of Hedda taken by their mother on Christmas Day. The dog was curled up like a kielbasa in front of the crackling fireplace, looking cozy and reasonably alert—at least for Hedda. Hayley created a LOST DOG flyer using the same photo and, by the end of the day, Beth, Colton, and the girls had plastered it all over Port Gamble.
None of their friends thought that Hedda was a particularly goodlooking or smart dog, because, to be completely fair, she wasn’t. Beth, in particular, had been merciless in teasing Taylor and Hayley about the dog over the years.
“I saw a dog just like yours that used a skateboard to get around because it had no legs,” she said one time.
“She has legs, Beth,” Taylor said, a little defensively.
Another time …
“The Ugliest Dog in America is ramping up again. It’s time that disgusting Chinese Crested with the overbite is given the boot. I was thinking that Hedda has a shot at the title.”
“She’s not ugly, Beth.”
“I’m just saying,” Beth said.
As they stapled flyers to the kiosk by the General Store, Beth admitted something that surprised the others.
“I hope we find her. I really, really like that little dog.”
“I thought you hated her,” Colton said.
“Tells you how much you know about me, Colt. I’m more than what I say,” she said, before waving good-bye from the corner and heading home.
Taylor walked a few steps ahead of her sister and Colton, who always found a moment to linger alone together. She looked up at Katelyn’s bedroom as they passed the Berkley house. She wondered if Mr. Berkley was watching from the darkened room. She nodded in the direction of Jake, next door, who, despite the weather and the season, was barbecuing something that actually smelled pretty good.
For meat, anyway.
She wondered if they’d ever learn what really happened to Katelyn on that awful night.
Talk to us, Katie, she said to herself.
As the three of them walked to their side-by-side houses, no one called out to Hedda. There was no point in it. Hedda was half-deaf. There was a more disquieting reason too. The air was so cold that if the missing dog had been outside, she’d have frozen to death by then. The wind blew hard across the water. It was harsh and decisive. Port Gamble on a cold winter’s night was no place for a short-legged dog, ugly or not.
LATER THAT NIGHT, AS TAYLOR BURROWED under her blankets and drifted off to sleep, Katelyn remained on her mind.
And so did someone else. Someone she could not see as her eyes fluttered behind her shut eyelids.
Fingertips moved slowly across the keyboard, stopping and starting as if each keystroke were a separate word followed by a period. Stop. Start. In a way, it was almost like Morse code. Rat. Tat. Tat. It was as though whoever was writing the message used the depression of each key to shoot anger at a target far away in cyberspace.
Katelyn stared at the computer screen, her heart beating faster. She knew she was moving closer and closer to something a little dangerous. But danger was needed. Her life had become pathetic on every front. Her mom was drinking more often. Her dad was growing more distant. Starla, her best friend, could no longer see fit to even smile in her direction.
Not that she deserved a smile, but even so, one would have been welcomed.
A flurry of messages zipped across the screen in the chat window:
Finally this came across her computer screen:
She liked that he used the word parents, because part of her still held the possibility that he was some old freak messing with her. She’d watched Dateline and knew “To Catch a Predator” episodes never failed to showcase some beer-guzzling creep with a sackful of Four Lokos and a pocketful of roofies.
Katelyn hated to admit it, but it was the truth.
She hesitated only a moment.
And then the words that would motivate her to do the unthinkable:
chapter 27
THE WOOD-FIRED PIZZERIA in Poulsbo was one of those strange restaurants in that its appearance didn’t match its cuisine—like a sushi bar in a log cabin. The tiny building on Front Street was like a lot of the themed edifices there, a Norwegian-style facade with stucco and exposed beams. The Ryans didn’t care how the restaurant looked as long as the pizza was good, which, thankfully, it usually was.
The outing was supposed to help cheer everyone up. Hedda still had not returned, and Valerie in particular thought a change of scenery was in order. However, Hedda was just one item on the twins’ growing list of worries.
Hayley texted Taylor in the car on the way over.
Kevin, Valerie, and Hayley shared the spicy Portuguese sausage, the Linguica, while vegetarian flip-flopper Taylor ordered a small Herbivore. While they waited for the pizzas to bake, all melty and crispy in the woodfired oven, Kevin and Valerie talked about the events of the day over a couple of beers. Ordinarily the girls didn’t mind hearing such updates. Their mother was very discreet about the patients at the institution. She never mentioned a name or any specifics that anyone could use to positively identify who it was she was talking about. She dropped a few words, however, that usually ensured that the interest meter was going at full speed.
“A screamer today stabbed a student nurse
with a plastic fork,” she said. “Other than that it was the same crazy, just a different day.”
Kevin set down his beer and surveyed the quiet restaurant. A couple two tables away sat side-by-side, a seating arrangement that was meant to be cozy but always looked like another party had stood them up.
“Mine wasn’t much better,” he said. “Except my crazy is my editor who thinks my book is going to be done on time. Still can’t get the perp to give me an interview. Now she wants the questions in advance.”
“You’ll charm your way around that,” Valerie said. “You always do.”
With her sister engrossed in texting Colton, Taylor saw a break in the conversation and she went for it.
“Mom, Dad, we need to talk about something.” Her tone came off as a little strange and she worried for a second that her parents would think she was going to drop some major bomb on them—that she was pregnant, gay, or both.
“What is it?” Valerie asked, clearly anxious as she reached for her drink.
Kevin didn’t say a word. This was Valerie’s territory.
“Wait, it isn’t anything about me or Hayley.”
Both parents deflated a little and relaxed in their chairs.
“Of course not,” Kevin said. “Didn’t think anything was up, not at all.”
Our parents are such dorks! Cool sometimes, but dorks! Taylor thought.
“We need your help. We think—” Taylor said, noticing that Hayley had finally put down her phone. She thought Hayley’s thumbs must need a good soaking after they’d had such a workout texting. “We think,” she repeated, “it’s really only a hunch …”
Kevin narrowed his focus on the girls, looking at one, then the other, ping-pong style. “What is it?”
It popped into Hayley’s mind right then that they could say Katelyn was gay and pregnant, just as a way of getting out of a conversation that didn’t seem to be going as they’d planned. But she didn’t.
Taylor took up the slack. “Dad, Mom, we think that someone was playing Katelyn. Messing with her. Mindf—” She wisely cut herself short.
The waiter brought their pies and the family sat in silence for a beat.